Sunday, 21 June 2015

Your weekly exercise

A few days ago I talked to someone who is practicing the Ramadan.  She told me that there was more to it than just fasting during the day and feasting during the night. The essential idea was to stop doing things that were harmful to mind and body. So it was not just going cold turkey on cigarettes, alcohol etc. But also to refrain from gossip and cursing. And most importantly: to reflect on the things you are doing wrong in your life, on the harmful things you inflict upon yourself and others. And especially this last part that I find worth trying out myself.
Because when we feel bad we usually tend to go for the quick solutions. Things/habits that make us happy for just a few moments. At that moment we don’t care if it’s healthy, as long as it makes the bad feeling go away. 

So why won’t you have this exercise with me? Instead of wasting time for half an hour, we close our eyes, take a deep breath and reflect on the things that prevent us from living life at its fullest. What are the causes? How can we solve it without using the quick fix? You are a smart person, deep inside you know the answers. Everything starts with a healthy mind, the rest will follow.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

"insert popular phrase here"

Somewhere in the beginning of this blog I said that I won’t publish too much quotes. And already I have lined up more than a few.  I guess it’s harder than it looks not to use other people’s wisdom as an example. But although it makes things easier to explain, using a quote doesn’t always prove your point. It’s similar with graphs and charts to provide evidence for certain theories. If you put things in a context you can prove almost anything. If there is enough data available from someone, you can quote him or her with almost anything. Think about it, we all say things that contradict occasionally. So next time don’t be surprised if you see me quote roman emperor Caligula to prompt you on eating your vegetables every day.
If you see a quote that makes you smile, all the better. But don’t assume because some famous person said it, that it will change your life drastically, or that he/she actually meant it that way. Context is everything.  And please, don’t mind me putting phrases in the wrong context, some old habits die hard.

As president Abraham Lincoln once said: “stop quoting Einstein on facebook.”   

Friday, 19 June 2015

The sound of silence

Oh hi there.

I haven’t got much to say today… or the past week, as you might have noticed. But don't worry, I haven’t forgotten about you. It’s just that sometimes when someone has nothing to say, he/she might do good to remain silent and listen or reflect instead of just talk for the sake of talking. There is already too much nonsense in this world, when some take the freedom of speech for granted. Sometimes there is a lot of power to be found in silence. But you don’t want to hear all about that, do you? Nah, you want to hear wisdom, mindfulness and things that soothe the mind.
So why not let others speak? Take a moment to let it sink in. I don’t know who the original authors are, but I guess it’s not that important who said it, rather then what it does to you. Enjoy.

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain."

"In this great future you can forget your past."

"Follow the white rabbit. You may never catch it, but i twill take you to some amazing places."

"The ball won’t roll if you don’t kick it."

"Better be someone for just a day than to be no one for a lifetime."

"Sometimes all you need is a bit of imagination."

"Enjoy the abundance of life!"

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

be prepared

You’ll notice that I occasionally I skip my daily update for this blog. Am I therefore untrustworthy and inconsistent? Of course not... wèèèèll maybe a little bit.  But as you know I made this blog for you, I want to give you my best lines, instead of trying to spew bulk advice just to get my daily quota. Naturally there is a little risk that I may repeat myself from time to time. If this entertains you, no problem. On the other hand, if I start to sound like a senile old duck then please feel free to tell me so.
This blog has a strange synergy: part of it is planned, while other stories just become posted in the heat of the moment. That reminds me to put the focus of today on the following subject: preparations

As with everything you plan to do: preparations will get you far, but they aren’t your main concern.
Make your work the same way you travel: make plans to get where you need to be, draw out some side notes and points of interest. But go with the flow, take your time. Don’t be afraid to end up in different places. Enjoy the journey, not the destination. And  by all means take the occasional risk, there is so much more to experience to gain if you get out of that safe seat every now and then.

I guess the blog also has this way of working.  

Come with your mind open and you’ll leave with your heart full (or was it the other way around?)

Monday, 8 June 2015

a clothing thing

According to a book I once read, humankind was supposed to be naked. Until of course somebody took a bite out of an apple-product, thanks a lot Eve.
Ever since then people wear clothes. Some use it to protect themselves against the elements: winter jackets, woolen Speedos, hats and caps…
Others wear uniforms to distinctively belong to a certain group, this sometimes comes with its own advantages and obligations. 
Clothing has its practical use, there’s no deny of it. But have you ever thought about clothing as a way of expressing yourself? Instead of a way to camouflage yourself into a certain group, your clothes can be an extension of your personality. The better you make your pick, the more it can be a way of guiding people towards you. It doesn’t have to be expensive, just get something that catches the eye, and underlines an aspect about who you really are.

As a great example: someone used patches and colorful fabrics and attached them to her blazer. Everytime I had written a story, a new patch would be stitched on the blazer. It was amazing how much compliments she got with it. And every compliment offered an opportunity to chat with the 'admireres'   
But it doesn't have to go that far. Buy clothes that define you: your favorite band, a country you visited, a funny quote… give people something to talk about. Always wear the brands you like. There might be 1.000 people who won’t recognize your Ramones t-shirt, but there will always be at least one who will.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Body and soul

Following the line of thought on my  previous post, you can say that in order to keep a healthy mind, you’ll also have to take care of your body. Life is about balance. Think about it: taking a shower and putting on your good clothes just because you feel like it can already do wonders. But there is more to it. Our body is capable of many wonderful things (I won’t be too graphic about it, you’ll probably use your dirty imagination anyway). We are not meant to sit idly. That’s why whenever you feel in a pickle, try working out. Yes I know, who am I to say you have to exercise. I only train once a week. But it does feel good. No matter what I have on my mind, it all fades away when I am busy. 
Even though sport will not solve all your problems, it gives you a way of getting away from your thoughts for a moment. Plus, the adrenaline you feel afterward might give your spirit the boost it needs to tackle things practically. Don’t want to go out alone? Drag somebody with you, he or she will be thankful for it… eventually.
So if you find yourself, or anybody else, in a slump, take it outside and move those muscles.   

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

scar tissue

I know something about you… you have a scar on your knee.
If right now you gasp and wonder how I know this: a lot of people have a scar like that, since falling on our knees is more common than we think. Some even get an arrow to the knee (sorry for this outdated joke).  That’s why some fortunetellers will use this fact to prove they can ‘really’ see the unexplained.  But since the supernatural isn’t really my turf, let’s get back to the scar issue.

 We all have scars, things from the past that changed our appearance.  Some are small and unseen, sometimes even unnoticed. While others might even affect the way you behave.
A personal example? If ever you have the honor/horror to see me topless:  you can still see a small line on the skin above my collarbone. While the scar is almost gone, the metal spike underneath it still remains. That spike was meant to keep the broken bone on its place. And while it has long served, it still remains as a part of me. In the beginning it changed my life drastically: the slightest touch of that area caused great pain. I became more cautious and avoided everything that might hint a danger of direct contact. As time passed I returned to my old habits and even took more chances: roller coasters,  cliff jumping, festivals… Although you won’t see me crowd surfing any time soon now.

The same thing goes with your inner scars.
 An experience might have hurt you so deeply that is has left a scar on your soul. In the beginning you’ll mostly remind the pain, and everything that gets near you will cause some kind of a reaction. Later on you’ll try to move on and pick up your normal way of life. The beginning is always the hardest part. You are suspicious of everything that has a hint of hurting you. Though as time passes you’ll eventually return to your normal way of experiencing life. It is true that the scar will still remind you time and again about the injury, and perhaps you’ll be more cautious in similar situations. But in the end it won’t affect you as much as you initially feared.  The cliché is often true: time can heal all wounds. So no matter which discomfort you might experience, whether it is physical or mental. You will still be you. And the pain will subside.

Side note: in some cases, when the pain is deeper, a full recovery will not always be in order. But still time will teach you how to return to a similar way of living. The things that make you who you are, will always find a way to submerge. Have faith in it.