Thursday, 24 November 2016


there is a chance I don't know you (too well).
But take it from me: you are someone special. The dreams you have, the projects that play in your mind: you have the heart to make them happen.
Some day you are going to make it. And everybody around you will know it.

Why do I say this? Well, because it can be true.
Everybody has potential that still remains untapped. Why? Call it human nature. The instinct to preserve, to stay in the safe spot. We are all holding back.
But that's not what's on discussion today.

Today I am talking about the power of words.
The text you were reading, did it motivate you?
If not, then it might take a few more tries.
But the reason why it has potential, is that I believe in it.
Even if I might not know you (too well)
I firmly believe that what I stated is true.
So it gives some authority.
It might take a few tries. A few fails.
But in the end a message will come through. So pick your words carfully:
they might open a flow of thoughts to someone. Be it for good or for bad.

There was a little anekdote I had with a coworker on the trainride back home.
We were talking about the way our chief communicates with the coworkers.
She has quite a direct way to get her point across. Which sometimes leads to discussions.
I know that her intention is good. Only the message is a bit... What's a better word for  crude?
After a hellish meeting, one where the stress level reached boiling point, I had a chance to talk to her casually. She admitted that it's rough to be a boss when everybody's complaining and shouting.
An argument I certainly can understand.
So I replied: 'it's only natural that the coworkers react like this. They are passionate about their job. They want to do the right thing but circumstances won't allow it. And that's frustrating them. They need to vent it. Because there's nothing as bad for the morale than to know how to do your job, to love it, but to be unable to cope with the (pardon my english) shitstorm that's happening. It's nothing personal. You are working with people. It's the way people are."
Please do keep in mind that I didn't really use the word shitstorm.  Somehow my stream of thoughts is a lot dirtier than my mouth.
Hmm, that came out wrong didn't it?
So she complimented me on my filosophical approach. And that was it. five minutes alter we were on our seperate ways. She to face the shitstorm. And me to conquer the world (while waiting twenty minutes for a bloody train).

Well, my coworker reacted surprised: "That was you? When did you tell her that?!"
me: "ehm, pardon? Oh I guess about a month ago."
coworker: "Some weeks after that, the chef came to me to compliment me on my work and that she understood why I reacted so strongly. I said that I understood her too and that everything was said in the heat of an argument."
Apperantly the other coworkers were dumbstruck by this exchange of kind words.

Long story short(er)
I still believe it wasn't me who gave her that nudge, but my coworker insisted.
She had done a similar way of talking with another chef. And apparently it worked... for a few weeks. But in these few weeks there was a relative peace and tranquility, defusing a bit of the situation.
Because when everybody keeps running around with their fuses lit, things will explode.
Like I said. I still believe it wasn't me. But I do believe in the power of words.
We all have that power. The only question is: how do we deal with such power?

I guess that is why I keep on writing this blog every once and a while.
There is a big chance only you will read this.
But if these words can help you reach your potential, then it will be worth it.

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