Friday, 13 March 2015

let me out!

So did you like the tricks for keeping up the buzz? Don't be shy, it’s just you and me here.
Allow me to take this occasion to ask a blunt question. Do you feel that grinding feeling in the back of your head? A gnawing sensation that doesn’t want to go away. That is your adventurous spirit locked up in conventions. It tries to break open the boundaries you’ve put up throughout the years. It wants to destroy the walls that keep you in your comfort zone. The sooner you listen to this roll call, the faster the magic can happen. Please, don’t be frightened. Most actions that prompt you to leave the comfort zone require a low risk.
Believe me, even I try to wreck the walls around me. And yes, sometimes those walls are thicker than my own skull, but sometimes you can break trough. And once you scratch the surface, a whole new world will open up. Will it be worth it? There’s only one way to find out. Let me know how it went, even it was just you saying yes to something you have postponed so many times before.
Or maybe you’re just waiting for my example? Well that’s easy: this blog.

I’m usually not the type that shows off with an opinion. I’d rather write horror. But ever since I’ve started this homework, the words keep flowing. So you tell me: is it a good thing to follow the buzz? 

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