Friday, 13 March 2015

to do list (part two)

Back again? How was it outside? Please do tell.
Anyway, back to the list:

DO (part two… heh, that rhymes)

1)      Live now. 
Yesterday is dead and gone, while tomorrow is still beyond your grasp. If things have to happen, then now is the time. Everything else is still far away. So take the opportunities that are offered this moment… I guess that’s why they call it ‘present’. 

2)      Never postpone.
 If things bother you or need to be done: face them. This too is living in the present; this too is leaving your comfort zone. 
Of course if you are reading this tip at an unholy hour, then it might be sensible to postpone. The neighbors might get suspicious if you’d go out at 3 a.m. to trim your hedges.

3)      When feeling a bit sad or ill, do things slower. But at least do SOMETHING. 
As the saying goes: If you can’t run, walk, If you can’t walk, crawl.
Allow me to add: if you’re tired: sleep (unless of course you are the operator of a moving vehicle. Not to worry: I am not insulting your intelligence here, I’m just saving my skin against stupid lawsuits ;-) 

4)      Save money on small things, but never scrooge out of a new experience because it might cost money.
Meaning? Well, how about you buy the cheap drink or snack once every while instead of your usual wallet buster. So you can put aside the money you save.  Keep it for those special occasions: whenever an unforgettable opportunity may rise, you’ll already have the budget to go for it. Money may fade but exciting memories will remain, forever stuck within a smiling mouth that says: ‘no regrets’

5)      However: before you spend an entire budget on a sports-car bungee jump (oh I want to do that again), keep in mind that: all play and no work make Jack a poor guy. Most of us mortals work to keep up a certain standard, especially when you are responsible for other people. But that doesn’t mean you have to let go every single dream. Some people live to work, others work to live. Know the difference.

6)      Always keep a notebook at hand. Just in case. You never know what (or who) might inspire you along the way. Plus: never underestimate the power of doodling.

7)      NEVER think you are above (or below) something! 
Those two states of mind are excuses not to do anything. They narrow you down. So no matter how muscled, or how rich, or how tattooed you might be, if a kid hands you a pink plastic toy phone, you’ll answer the damn thing. 

8)      Never be too busy. There is always some time for special things.
Whether it is throwing a smile to someone who needs it, or taking a minute to discover an interesting fact. As long as you’re not defusing a bomb, a few moments of your time won’t hurt.

That’s about it: my three lists that can help you to keep up the buzz. Thank you for letting me share this with you. So go on, try out a few things and tell me how they went. Maybe I’ll even drag myself out of this old weary couch and pick up where I finished. Better yet:  just drag me along the journey.


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