Saturday, 28 February 2015


Don’t be afraid of the choices you are going to make. Sure, there will be consequences. Some will be severe, others will be amazing. Just keep in mind that we all have obstacles to conquer, and short cuts aren’t always the most interesting choice. That is why we have something called ‘free will’. 
You have the power to make decisions; to follow a path that you know is the right one. You are defined by the choices you make, so make them count, and make them yours. 
Don't take the easy route: not making a desicion is also a choice. It will usually drag you along the path others take (the same goes if you follow too much the advice from othters). Other people are attuned differently, allowing them to make diffrent choices. That doesn’t mean theirs, or yours, are wrong. It just means they chose to follow an alternative path, based on their own ambition, experience, and character. 
So when it’s your time to choose, follow your instinct. Don’t worry about taking a wrong turn every once in a while. Everybody gets lost at a certain point. And you know what? Sometimes that unpredicted detour, can lead to an interesting story.

Next time, when you hear that nagging voice in the back of your head, know that it’s not the time to retreat, but to leave that comfort zone. Too much already are we living the choices of others, believe me. 

Friday, 27 February 2015

it's never too late

Quotes surround us. Whether it is on the internet, in books, or even on the mantelpiece. We seek strength or comfort  in the words of wise men and sage women. For every occasion or mood swing you can find a fitting quote. But I’ll try not to bother you too much with the wisdom of others.  There is however one quote I’ll keep close to my writings (literally).

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” –George Eliot

Every now and then we dwell on our missed chances or the choices we made. Sometimes you can even think you missed the chance of a lifetime. Well, it’s never too late. 
Okay, things might be different now: be it the circumstances or  the way how you view things. But if it’s something you really want to do/be, you’ll find a way. Your level of maturity might even allow you to do things better or appreciate it more. So go ahead, take your grandmother to the tattoo parlor, it’s about time she finally gets her mark. And let me tell you this: she’ll look smashing with it.
Aaanyhow, don’t mind the prejudices or the effort it might take. Deep down, you know what you want. It’s your life, make it count.

Thursday, 26 February 2015


It sxxms likx xvxrything is wrong with this txxt. But actually it’s just onx of thx kxys on my kxyboard that malfunctions. So I havx no choicx but to typx an x instxad of an x. But xvxn with this inconvxnixncx you’ll managx to rxad on, hoping that for thx nxxt mxssagx, I’d havx fixxd that fxckin kxy.

This actually makxs mx think. A lot of pxoplx somxtimxs fxxl lost in this big world. Xvxn you might had that thought “Why am I hxrx? What doxs it mattxr anyway? Nobody would noticx it whxn I’m gonx.” 
Still , do you noticx now how this onx littlx kxy changxs thx functioning of this xntirx txxt? No rxadxr will sxx my kxyboard, but I do… And you can sxx thx rxsult for yoursxlf. 
So don’t you xvxr think you arx just onx small, insignificant pixcx. You arx nxxdxd, you’d bx missxd whxn you’rx gonx.
Imaginx for xxamplx that an*thxr  kxy  w*uld  st*p  w*rking…
*r  w*rsx:
l**k  @t  wh@t  h@ppxns  whxn  @  third  *nx  g*xs.  

Xvxrything  is  c*nnxctxd,  Xvxry*nx  m@ttxrs.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


I know I know… a writer should master his language perfectly, whether he/she  is writing a book, a blog, or even the grocery list. And still… I can only guess how many typing errors or how many mistakes in the translation you have already spotted. You see, the thing is… This is how I write. I start with one word, not even knowing how the next sentence will end. I just let it flow. If this would be a manuscript instead of a blog, I’d probably grill it for months, trying to cook out any single error that gnaws through  the paragraphs. (And even then, some of those little buggers would still roam free.)

But, here and now, I just want you to follow my flow of thoughts. I want to tell you something without overthinking how grammar Nazis would put their iron sighs at every single sentence. I guess they already have a field trip with this text. So please indulge me when reading these humble messages. Even though the spelling is not 100% fail proof, I will do my best to surprise you every time your eyes discover a new entry on this blog. Not convinced? How about you read the next message tomorrow. It’ll make my statement more clear.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

the list of exploring (part two)

Welcome back, hungry for more?
Well alright then:

EXPLORE (part two)

7)      Solo, small groups, big groups… which are best? Find out!
There is an endless discussion going on: which kind of group is the best for discovering new places? Is it just with a select group of friends, should it be the size of a small invading army, or is it albeit better to head off only accompanied by your own shadow? According to me, it depends on the destination, the mood, and the purpose of the journey ahead. But why take my word for it? Try them all. Just remember that while travelling for at least two weeks, you really start to know your travelling buddies. It can be a revelation so choose wisely.
8)      Always stay on hour longer.
When feeling that everything has come to an end. The conversations lull, the joker’s emptying his bowls into the sink… At a certain point you get the feeling that it is time to head on. Well, if you stay just a little bit longer, you might be rewarded with a unique experience. Always go the extra mile.     
9)      Be aware of your comfort zone and its limitations.
We all know it: the invisible barrier. The moment you cross the line, goose bumps appear, sweat starts dripping, and you just want to get out asap. This barrier is flexible. Try to expand it, break it as much as possible. Feel its pressure, accept it, but break free anyway, even if it’s only by one small step. Some just rush face forward through the propellers of life (like Henry Rollins). While others slowly push on. You can compare it with gently pushing your toe deeper into hot water until your body gets used to the temperature.
While we travel we usually have a habit of expanding our horizon, so why stop discovering when you’re back home?

And finally

10)      Search seclusion whenever needed;
away from distractions and the day to day hustle.  Mind your inner peace. Sometimes it is just as good to stay in and listen to the rain tapping on the roof, and watch the drops glide down the window. We all need some time off. Turn off the phone. Let your wild thoughts and daily stress roar past you, only mind your breathing. Then take your time to cook a nice meal or head out to a quiet restaurant. And take your time to savor the flavor.  

Well that’s about it for the first list, there are two more coming up, but they will appear with a few days interval. Otherwise you might get a bit overwhelmed. So why don’t you use it to try at least one or two. As I said earlier: it doesn't have to be big. Usually it's easier to make small changes and keep that up, than to make a life changing course and to fall back into your old habits in mere weeks.
Let me know how it went. 

Monday, 23 February 2015

the list of exploring (part one)

Hey, you’re still reading. Good, that’s what I like about you: eager to explore where my mumblings might lead you. That brings me to the first category: explore.
But before I give you the list, please use this rule above everything else: Communicate.
Tell everybody about your plans. Ask them if they can help (or want to join in), hell: why not inspire them yourself? The more the merrier. Because people are the key, you’ll discover that in my second list (people). But that will only be published within a few days. First:

EXPLORE (part one)

1)      Visit a new place every week
This might seem tricky at first, but it doesn’t have to be something completely new: it can be a nearby town you haven’t been to, or even a snack bar, a pub, or a store you always passed by. Why not even a new hairdresser? But before you try out that dubious Mohawk, just remember to KISS at first (Keep It Simple, Stupid). When you get the hang of it, more opportunities will rise. It’s all about bringing down the threshold. So why not go to a friend’s place for the first time, or walk down the road you normally don’t take when going to work.   
2)      Go for a new experience every month
If you want, this can be the same as the previous tip. But, there is a small difference: the previous trick is about discovering new places, while this tip as all about new experiences. And believe me: there are many. Talk with your friends and family: they all have hobbies, things you can’t even imagine. Ask if you can join in for one day. But beware, you might start liking it. For example: I never thought any of my acquaintances could be a blacksmith. And still there it hangs on my wall: a hand-crafted knife. Made it myself, with a lot of help from others, of course. So please stop using the ‘I don’t have time now’, or ‘I’m not in the mood today’. If you want it you’ll find a way, if not, you’ll find an excuse.   

Okay, all warmed up for the real exploring? Here’s a good one. 

3) Get a (small) backpack and start walking into the unknown.
Again: just go down a road you haven’t gone down before. When evening falls, find a couch to sleep on or take a bus back home. Or just call a friend to pick you up and have a drink. He/she might be curious what braught you to that god forsaken town in the first place. 
Walking is good for building up stamina and allows you to discover new places.  By walking instead of driving, your pace is slower. This allows you to see more details and perhaps you can even spot rare opportunities. As for the backpack: I noticed that some people react pleasantly different when they see a fellow person backpacking. Just remember to keep your luggage light: at the first kilometers you might not mind the entire collection of twilight books weighing down in your backpack, but after a while…
4)      So throw away stuff.
Your baggage holds you down and prevents you from being mobile. Implement this not only for the sake of a backpack, but all the stuff you drag along. Physically and emotionally. The lighter you walk this earth, the more freedom you’ll experience.
5)       When feeling down, do something amazing or meet with someone interesting.
I admit this is a hard one. When melancholy hits; most of us just want to crawl into a dark corner and wait until it is time to go to bed. Please, humor me. Try it and think ‘well my day can’t get any worse, might as well give it a go.’  Okay it might not work every time, but hey, at least you tried. And what if it does work? It could brighten your day instantly.
6)      Eat something new, challenge the waiter/chef
We like to have a little routine in our feeding patterns. Spaghetti on Friday, fries on Sunday, cat food on Tuesday, and leftovers every day in between. Even in a restaurant most of us tend to go for the safe choices. But why not ask the waiter: “hey, I have never heard about that thing, what is it?” 
Or when the chef tells you his suggestion ask him to make it his best creation yet. You will be amazed which flavors will unveil themselves. Some might take time to get used to, while others will stick to your taste buds and never let go. And yes, there will probably be some gagging once and a while. Believe me, people still tell stories about the time I turned green after eating things that should not be. But I can tell you, I have also tasted delicacies fit for a king. Hum… speaking of kings, it might be handy to ask for the price before challenging the chef. It’s downright surprising how expensive ten grams of culinary challenge can be.  

How about a breather? You have been staring at this screen quite a while now. Next post I’ll give you the second part of the list.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

A list is coming

How many times haven’t you thought: ‘ugh I need a vacation’? How often does routine grind you down? I know I ask myself those questions over and over again. We all long to that time of year when we leave the safe borders of our narrow world, ready to conquer a terra incognita full of souvenir shops and over prized drinks. They say there are many reasons why we enjoy holidays abroad. I  do it to become inspired, to experience my own adventures, and to soothe that ever hungry wander within me. But as every journey has to end, real life always awaits back home. Too soon the daily rat race finds a way to discard all those wonderful experiences, leaving us with only pictures and vague memories. As inevitable as it might be, there are a few tricks to keep up the buzz and become reacquainted with that hassle-free alter ego you’ve put on during your travels. I’ve written down some of those tricks, based on my own experience. Unfortunately I haven’t done every single one of them. So many times I feel myself slip down the abyss of routines. Luckily I’ve noticed a few of those ‘tricks’ came natural, things I have already been doing subconsciously. This can just as well apply for you too: some things on the list might sound to obvious to even consider, while others seem downright challenging.
But please, give it a shot. You might like it. Hell, give me a kick in the ass for not doing those things more frequently. Because writing them down is one thing. Actually doing them, requires effort. But based on my own experiences, the reward can be unforgettable.
To be continued…        


In a world where everybody seems to be stuck between the four corners of their Smartphone; you might imagine yourself being the only living organism in this cold and shallow universe.
But rest assured you are not. People are all around you, some will provide reasons to laugh or smile and others will grind you down. That’s just the nature of it.
There is a quote that says 'hell is other people'  but also remember 'help is other people.'  We’re all in this together and you know what? You are noticed. Don’t believe me? Well, just try to break wind in a crowded elevator. Anyhow, before you actually digest your third bowl of onion chilly and rush to a nearby elevator…  Would you do me the honor of reading this little ‘poem’?  I once made it for a special person, and every now and then I send it to people who might appreciate it. It’s translated from Dutch, so forgive me if you can’t make rap music out of it.
I don’t even know if it makes sense, but some seem to find comfort in it.

Behind you;
on the edge of your soul, there are people standing.
Through your veil of tears you might not see them yet.
But when in need, when melancholy strikes at its worst;
you suddenly feel them.
Open hands that pull you back up
soft arms to wrap yourself in
Strong shoulders to recover your grip
And a warm smile that chases away the frost.
It happens so slowly but steadily,
until you too can carry that smile.
Behind all those shadows of doubt, a group is gathering:
people that care, even if you don’t see them.
In this world. And maybe even in the next one.
You are never alone.
Even if the darkness pushes you in a tight spot,
in your heart a light burns bright.’

Okay… guess a handful of dead poets in now turning steadily in their coffins.
Don’t worry; I’m more into Poe than poetry.
So go on: smile, lend a hand.

And don’t forget to fart in the elevator. 

Are introductions needed?

‘Make a blog,’ they all say.
‘It will get you famous,’ they shierk.

And as a result, you have blogs seeping through every crack of the internet. Link by link you’ll find people proclaiming their exper-tease, praising themselves all over the information super highway.  Rest assured. This is no blog, this is homework.  So go on: click away. The words I am spinning here won’t change your world, or allow you to mend a broken heart, they won’t even animate the undead. Go ahead, click away, I won’t mind. The alternatives are so much better: cats and hats, girls and cups, or whatever floats your boat.
Still reading on? Well, I guess we are in this together then. Tell you what: I’ll make this blog/homework just for you. 

What is it you want? Horror? Shivers? Musicals? 
Oh please ignore the last one; anything but musicals! How about…
I’ll share some of my self-proclaimed *ahem* wisdom. 
Nah, who am I kidding? I’m no expert, my knowledge reaches as far as any average humanoid. Nobody knows what they’re talking about. We can only guess or make predictions. Experts are just labels.
Let’s just keep it simple, shall we?  What if I'd throw in a few feelgood thoughts? Things I’ve picked up along the road, on exotic places, or just while talking to interesting people. So whenever I may have the pleasure to cross your path, you’ll be carrying a warm smile.
Again: be warned, I don’t proclaim expertise. Just read and be the judge of it yourself. Because neither me nor any expert knows what really twists and bumps in that interesting head of yours. Only you can. So take the words you need, and give a mirk to the rest of this ‘naïve’ mumbling. 

And if all else fails, you can still surf to that cats and hats site, or whatever floats your boat.