Sunday, 22 February 2015


In a world where everybody seems to be stuck between the four corners of their Smartphone; you might imagine yourself being the only living organism in this cold and shallow universe.
But rest assured you are not. People are all around you, some will provide reasons to laugh or smile and others will grind you down. That’s just the nature of it.
There is a quote that says 'hell is other people'  but also remember 'help is other people.'  We’re all in this together and you know what? You are noticed. Don’t believe me? Well, just try to break wind in a crowded elevator. Anyhow, before you actually digest your third bowl of onion chilly and rush to a nearby elevator…  Would you do me the honor of reading this little ‘poem’?  I once made it for a special person, and every now and then I send it to people who might appreciate it. It’s translated from Dutch, so forgive me if you can’t make rap music out of it.
I don’t even know if it makes sense, but some seem to find comfort in it.

Behind you;
on the edge of your soul, there are people standing.
Through your veil of tears you might not see them yet.
But when in need, when melancholy strikes at its worst;
you suddenly feel them.
Open hands that pull you back up
soft arms to wrap yourself in
Strong shoulders to recover your grip
And a warm smile that chases away the frost.
It happens so slowly but steadily,
until you too can carry that smile.
Behind all those shadows of doubt, a group is gathering:
people that care, even if you don’t see them.
In this world. And maybe even in the next one.
You are never alone.
Even if the darkness pushes you in a tight spot,
in your heart a light burns bright.’

Okay… guess a handful of dead poets in now turning steadily in their coffins.
Don’t worry; I’m more into Poe than poetry.
So go on: smile, lend a hand.

And don’t forget to fart in the elevator. 

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