Saturday, 28 February 2015


Don’t be afraid of the choices you are going to make. Sure, there will be consequences. Some will be severe, others will be amazing. Just keep in mind that we all have obstacles to conquer, and short cuts aren’t always the most interesting choice. That is why we have something called ‘free will’. 
You have the power to make decisions; to follow a path that you know is the right one. You are defined by the choices you make, so make them count, and make them yours. 
Don't take the easy route: not making a desicion is also a choice. It will usually drag you along the path others take (the same goes if you follow too much the advice from othters). Other people are attuned differently, allowing them to make diffrent choices. That doesn’t mean theirs, or yours, are wrong. It just means they chose to follow an alternative path, based on their own ambition, experience, and character. 
So when it’s your time to choose, follow your instinct. Don’t worry about taking a wrong turn every once in a while. Everybody gets lost at a certain point. And you know what? Sometimes that unpredicted detour, can lead to an interesting story.

Next time, when you hear that nagging voice in the back of your head, know that it’s not the time to retreat, but to leave that comfort zone. Too much already are we living the choices of others, believe me. 

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