Oh hey; here you are. How’s it going?
This might be a good time to warn you:
there is another list coming up, and it’s a big one. Just like the list of
exploring, I’ll present you a few pointers to keep up the buzz. This time the
focus is on people.
Please keep in mind, that these lists are not obligatory.
Neither shall I claim that they change your life forever. These outlines
are just made from personal notes I took during my journey. Insights I like to share with you.
Anyhow, on to the subject:
PEOPLE (part one)
Talk/meet with someone you haven’t
seen in a while.
How many times haven’t you communicated with somebody (by internet, or phone),
having a great time and ending with the sentence: we should definitely meet up (again) some time.
Some time… you know where this is going, right?
Why not actually plan and set a date to meet?
Or how many times haven’t you thought: gee, I wonder how person x is doing?
Well, why not give a call? The worst you can end up with is a wasted day (or an
answering machine). The best: a rekindled friendship. So don’t assume already that they’d
say no, or are too busy for you. Because even if they do, you can always suggest
another day to meet. True, sometimes there is a reason why you don’t see face to face anymore. Or maybe it really is impossible to arrange something. But come on:
that’s just one person in your entire contact history. Plenty more where those
came from. Speaking of contact history:
how many facebook friends do you have? How long has it been since you saw them
last? Time to meet him, her, or them irl at least once more.
Oh, they have children now; so what? Be the first one to teach those tiny humans
dirty words, or show them how to propel milk from your nose. Hell, why don't you teach me those things?
Pimp your contacts: get more
freaky friends.
How? Ask to be introduced to new people.
Then again: who needs asking, when the internet is full of freaky friends :-)
Freaky friends? Hmm, I guess a little explanation is needed. I’ve got that word
from Tom Peters. Basically, that’s how he calls people with unconventional
ideas, big dreams, and an interesting way to look at things. Because admit it, sometimes we all tune in to hear those unusual conversations between ‘freaky’
But what about the others? Should you abandon all your 'normal' friends, just to be dragged along on a
crazy misadventure? Of course not, but why not have the best of both worlds? I
know for sure that there is a synergy between those two types of people, up to
you to discover it.
3) Talk to random people.
Try to keep up the conversation as long as possible, ask people what
thrives/drives them, what is their goal, their passion. Don’t intervene: let
them talk, just listen. Mind the spark in their eyes when they talk about
things that make them who they are.
How? It all starts with wone simple word: 'hi' perhaps followed by 'how are you doing?' True, getting those lines from a stranger might freak some people out. But others are waiting for that simple word.
But how, who? Usually the answer is in the details: do you notice something about these persons? Is there a hint that can start a conversation? Start fishing. And most importantly: listen.
Okay, I admit, this one is really hard for me too. And scouts honour, I will start talking to random
people, just when I can find myself
a bit more c-c-c-ccourage.
Anyhow, look at it this way: we are surrounded by
people. Every day we wait in line, sit in a train, fart in the elevator, work
our asses off in a company full of people we don’t really know. At best we nod
when we pass (at worst they pinch their noses). But we often wonder: what is
this person thinking? should I talk to him or her?
In the end our lips remain sealed. Silently cursing another missed opportunity.
And yet, when we’re on a holiday, things are different. Abroad I try to chat up
with everybody.
How come? Are people at home more narrow minded? Definitely
not. There were times when I had vivid conversations at home, on the train, at
work… and you could see other people leaning in to listen, eager to open their mouth,
ready to join in. What if we let them? Break the barriers.
Bring the conversation to the
core: it’s all about fun or topics with a deeper meaning.
When the conversation starts, slowly steer it away from the safe
subjects (work, the weather, family) and reel it into new exciting topics.
People are just as bored as we are by the same old safe subjects, we all wait for
the bait, to say what really goes on in that head of ours. Ask cheeky questions
and have an interesting opinion. Say something you’ve always wanted to say.
Worst case scenario? The person might get offended.
So what? I have experienced many regrets not asking people what really inspires
them; the results could have been breath taking.
Phew halfway
down the ‘people’ list. How about we have a breather. I’ll see you for the
other half, right after these commercials.