Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Shiny happy people

Hey there, sorry for my irregular posts. I have a lot on my mind, so it isn’t always easy to post on a daily basis. Still, I’ll try my best to indulge you. And if it takes too long, feel free to give me a push in the back.

Speaking about preoccupied. Someone once stated that only dumb people can be perfectly happy. At that point a friend of mine retorted : “well then you look like the happiest person, I know.”
The other just smiled and said: you think so? Thanks.

However you take this pun, it is true that sometimes the less we know, the happier we seem.
Then again knowledge can be overrated. Be honest: what the bleep do we know about our lives? What predictions can we make about the nearby future?
Take me for example: with all my *ahem* knowledge, I made some predictions on how my future was going to be like. And you know what? They were often wrong.
I never imagined myself moving to Ireland for a year and a half, or writing a musical (of all things, a musical), or doing rock jumping, or working where I work right now...  Oh god, I have to get up within five hours. Then again: I never imagined drinking whiskey from  Jennifer Lawrence’s belly…   Yeah, I guess that will never happen.

But no matter how you look at the outcome. Things have a way of turning out all right. Sometimes you just have to let it flow and see where the tide takes you. You might not get the result you wanted, but that isn’t always a bad thing. There will always be opportunities waiting for you. Just keep  focused, recognize possibilities and take them, instead of fighting the current to get to this one impossible place… for now. You will still have your chances… remind me to tell you the tale of the butterfly next time we meet. 

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